My eyes have not seen many things cooler than what you see here.
Parked out in the desert by the entrance to Slab City at the time mine eyes beheld its glory, the busboat has it’s home port in Idaho. They tried to launch in Mexico, but ran into a storm of paperwork.
The skipper’s name could be Mike. That’s what the patch said on the blue overalls he was wearing. Then again, that just might be what the patch had to say.
They were running low on water. They carried Idaho hotsprings water with them to drink, and it was getting down there. Plus, all the border hassle. And they want to get home for Christmas. So they were on their way north to regroup.
Got it on there with a crane and were hoping to get it off with the lift at San Felipe, the only boat mover in the region on that side of Baja.
Or, he said, maybe they’d just back the whole thing into the water, let the boat float and the bus sink. But he was kidding. I think.
definitely the coolest thing that i have ever seen...
thanks for that.
don't suppose they want to adopt an adult?
Hah... spent all their time thinking about how to load the bus and not about getting across the border. I've done that a couple of times... not with a boat though. Actually, I was coming OUT of Mexico with too much booze. The paperwork was killer.
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