Week before bow season opened, my bow was shooting happy. Then I notice fraying on one of the new cables put on three months ago. Mysterious because I can't figure where the chafe would come from. Off it goes to Floyd the bow mechanic.
New cable and guard, and I expect some tweaking to be necessary, but can't get it sighted in right and finally notice the center serving has unwound and crept up the string on me, migrating the D loop up and out of whack....
I watched every youtube video tutorial there is, tried a new loop setup, learned some new knots, moved every pin and allen screw there is after changing one thing to accommodate another -- then my field points were right on but when I shot a broadhead it was all over the place.
A couple sheets of paper tuning later, backing off the poundage, raising the rest, new spark plugs and an oil change later--it was a great relief to finally get the Martin Panther shooting right and see a chunk of apple fall off from a broadhead at 40 yards.
Take that, fruit.
Update: I guess I have to move to Nottingham now.
I was standing behind the old '67 Buick in the yard, shooting across at the bag and having a chat while slinging some arrows at the same time, not doing a very good job at either activity....but I was consistent enough to hit one arrow with another and Jacey says, "I think you messed up that other arrow."
If by 'mess up' she means getting all Robin Hood and shooting one arrow right down the shaft of the other, then get Friar Tuck on the phone and tell him to get ready because we got some robbing from the rich to do.
I'd feel a lot better about this if it was a bullseye that got duplicated, but, ah, well. I seem to be shooting low, after all that applesauce talk.
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