I've been spraying her dog with Nair when Jacey's not looking. So far no progress. But do make sure to wash your hands if you try this tactic. I rubbed my face out of consternation and now have only one eyebrow and some tiger stripes down one cheek where I don't have to shave anymore. So there's that.
Jon Rombach is a writer and river guide headquartered in Oregon's Wallowa Valley. His newspaper column, 'And Furthermore,' appears in the Wallowa County Chieftain. The Gearboat Chronicles cover life on the river, updated every week at windingwatersrafting.com. Publications include Utne Reader, Backpacker, Sports Afield, Mother Earth News and other fine, upstanding journals you may or may not have ever heard of.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Shopvacs and husky dogs
Snow storm? Site of a meteor strike and the meteor was made of cotton? Nay. Jacey's dog spurts fur. Shed is not the word for what her follicles do with hair. You can hear the hairs growing and they shoot out just when she's laying there. That right there is a pile of hair from about ten minutes of brushing.
I've made fourteen sleeping bags with fur collected from this beast. Tied flies with it. Knitted them into other dogs and waited for a lightning storm and brought them to life with jumper cables. Filled holes in my yard with the fur of the dog that dug the holes, so that's a symbiotic relationship kind of.
I've been spraying her dog with Nair when Jacey's not looking. So far no progress. But do make sure to wash your hands if you try this tactic. I rubbed my face out of consternation and now have only one eyebrow and some tiger stripes down one cheek where I don't have to shave anymore. So there's that.
I've been spraying her dog with Nair when Jacey's not looking. So far no progress. But do make sure to wash your hands if you try this tactic. I rubbed my face out of consternation and now have only one eyebrow and some tiger stripes down one cheek where I don't have to shave anymore. So there's that.
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Those must be 30 below sleeping bags, eh? I'll take one. The June winter over here is FREAKIN' chilling me to the marrow itself.
You'll be needing one my patented marrow warmers. It requires that you have a 12 volt plug installed at your elbow, but you'll get used to that and it provides a warm interior glow on cold nights. Or afternoons, if you live in the Sierras. Your dog fur sleeping bag has been shipped. Track your order at: houndshairfreight.overland/durren. Don't bother paying now, I'll collect at the poker table.
Splendid my good man! Have received the bag. So well insulated, it arrived on fire!
P.S. Loved the poker joke!
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