Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rombach+Rombach Advertising Agency - Cute Kid Photos

Fast and furious around here at Rombach+Rombach Advertising Thinktank headquarters.

Did some pro bono work last Thursday for a garage sale a neighbor was having. Tight deadline, but we came up with a fresh approach and successfully attracted our target market of people driving by.

Things have calmed down since then, and I was cleaning up the desktop on my computer when I came across the following 3 images.

For a chance to win a piece of Trident gum I found while cleaning my actual desktop, see if you can discern which of the following images is from an actual, for-realsies ad campaign –

Is it Image #1, which shows my nephew Jacob modeling for a new brand of baseball bat grip tape, guaranteed to connect with long shots to deep center, if not over the fence? Hmm?

Or Image #2 –a happy picnic table scene advertising the new Claire Bear & Anna Banana Caesar Dressing - Now With Extra Goodness That Makes Kids Actually Enjoy Eating Vegetables TM.

Finally, we have here a promo for early-model light sabers, which were powered by propane and were somewhat larger than the eventual light sabers LucasFilms decided to go with –

The answer is: all three. Originally it was just #3. That's from a photo shoot for the slash burner my dad designed and, if I do say so myself, my younger self makes that hardhat look awfully dashing.

But, shoot, I think we're onto something here so I'm going to put all three on the market.

Place your orders.


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Very well Mr. Rombach, you have signed up for no more posting from us. We will periodically update you on how that's going.

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