Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Double Down" is my single least-favorite phrase right now

Attention: Next Person To Write That Anyone Is "Doubling Down" On Anything:

If I see you writing that, I'm gonna hurt you. I'm gonna hurt you worse if you're writing about a politician doubling down on something. I'm gonna hurt you extra super bad if I see you writing that in a headline on something I'm going to read on the internet.

I've slowly been kindling dislike for this dumbass-term d'jour, and now it's in a full roar of blazing sick-of-it.

Knock it off.

It's OK on the blackjack table, nowhere else.

Add this to the list of fine phrases ruined by you people. That list includes synchronicity, a perfectly good made-up word by Buckminster Fuller that was kidnapped and turned into a monster that I now want to drive a wooden stake into.

I don't even want to call up the list of others. Just stop.


Cam Scott said...

How about tripple down? You doubling down on trips too much this summer ;) See you in December.

Darren Senn said...

Well, I'm going ALL IN!!! How's that for a dumbass term d'jour, huh, tough guy??