Monday, August 20, 2012

For Sail or Trade

I've given up on restoration plans for the sailboat. It pains me to say that, but this list of things to do has got to get shorter and the only way I see that happening is to scratch things off by giving up on them, because accomplishing things sure doesn't seem to happen.

So. This 1970-something, I think, Reinell sailboat is looking for a good home. Or a bad home. I don't care. Do whatever you want.

It's got an issue or two. Not the prettiest boat in the fleet. But it has strong points too. Like the trailer. The trailer is worth some bucks. Well, the sails are in good condition too. They're pretty spiffy. But it needs some TLC on the inside. And out.

Affordable. It's got that going for it.

I'll get some more details up, or put it on craigslist one of these days. But in the meantime if you're looking for your Black Pearl and you're on a budget, this might be your ship.

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